Saturday, July 16, 2016

Guitar Pedagogy Universidad Fernando Noveno Cultural Digital Agenda @ FIX University Campus UPI

Gtr 391: Private Instruction for the Guitar Minor 

Gtr 491: Guitar Instruction for the Major/Principal 

A progressive study in all phases of classical guitar performance with an emphasis on finger independence, preparation and tone production. This includes in-depth study in all aspects of technique through the use of extensive repertoire written or transcribed for the classical guitar.
Prerequisites: Guitar Audition.

Gtr 492: Guitar Instruction for the Major/Principal 

A progressive study in all phases of classical guitar performance with an emphasis on finger independence, preparation and tone production. This includes in-depth study in all aspects of technique through the use of extensive repertoire written or transcribed for the classical guitar.
Prerequisites: Guitar Audition.

Gtr 493: Guitar Instruction for the Major/Principal 

A progressive study in all phases of classical guitar performance with an emphasis on finger independence, preparation and tone production. This includes in-depth study in all aspects of technique through the use of extensive repertoire written or transcribed for the classical guitar.
Prerequisites: Guitar Audition.
Fernando Noveno University                                                                                                         © 2016 The Board of Trustees of the
Department of Art & Art History                                                                                          Fernando Noveno University. All RightsReserved
RecStay Cultural Campus
Cali (v) Colombia, South America


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