Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Agenda Cultural @ FIX University

More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus

Fernando IX University

 Selección Oficial Internacional @ Film Fest


  • Dirección:       Isaki La cuesta
  • Producción:   Luisa Matienzo, Dan Wechsler
  • Guión:             Isa Campo, Isaki Lacuesta
  • Fotografia:     Diego Dussuel
  • Montaje:         Lupe Pérez García
  • Intérpretes:    Miquel Barceló, Josef Nadj, Alain Mahe,                                Amon Pegnere Dolo, Amassagou Dolo

Sala Royal 3 -Centenario
Boletería valor asignado por la taquilla
VIERNES 9/ 4:15 p.m.
DOMINGO 11/6:30 p.m.


Hace más de 20 años, el pintor español Miquel Barceló recorrió en camioneta el desierto del Sahara. Al llegar al final del viaje, su pintura y su vida habían cambiado, y decidió instalar su taller en la parte alta de la falla del País Dogón. Allí aprendió a trabajar entre termitas y escorpiones, antes de que el calor seque la pintura y el viento arrastre las telas. Los frutos de esta etapa son mundialmente conocidos, pero su taller africano se ha mantenido siempre como un reducto casi inexpugnable. Para intuir la intimidad del creador en África, había que recurrir a fotografías o a los diarios en que Barceló describe su vida en el desierto. Ahora, por fin, el pintor abre su taller de Gogolí a un equipo de rodaje: el de Los pasos dobles. Y viéndolo trabajar, representar junto al coreógrafo Josef Nadj la performance Paso doble o simplemente en su vida cotidiana, se entiende de golpe que el análisis usual –la influencia de Pollock, la tauromaquia, etc.– no alcanza: los paisajes, la gente y la cosmogonía dogón reverberan continuamente en la obra (y en la vida) de Barceló.

Premios y participación en festivales

-Sección Obras especiales en el 59 edición del Festival de San Sebastián 2011
-Ganador del premio FIPA de ORO dentro de la categoría de "Artes Escénicas" en la XXV edición del Festival de Biarritz 2011

Friday, October 26, 2012

ISSN 2145-3985. [Con] Textos Revista de Humanidades / Windows 8 MicroSoft / An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python | Announcement


wm.eduThe Disciplines ...
125 × 182 - 10 k - jpg physical voice for plural hermeneutic voices) where the Turanian theatre ...
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achurchunbound.comFor the last two weeks, I took an intensive on philosophical hermeneutics at ...
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the-hermeneutic-of-con...One young server got a shoulder-carry from Mum for part of the torchlight ...
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scribd.comVajra Hermeneutics: A Study of Vajrayana Scholasticism in. the ...
255 × 300 - 7 k

amazon.caInterpretation and Intellectual Change: Chinese Hermeneutics in Historical ...
300 × 300 - 19 k - jpg

thirdfactory.netIntroduction to Scheiermacher's "hermeneutics." Whiteboard (and see handout) ...
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iupress.indiana.eduHermeneutics at the Crossroads. Edited by Kevin J. Vanhoozer, ...
230 × 353 - 13 k - jpg

eyegiene.sdsu.eduHaving thrilled to the rhetorical/hermeneutic findings of Edward Said (and ...
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iupress.indiana.eduThe Life of Understanding. A Contemporary Hermeneutics. James Risser
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amazon.comFredric Jameson: Marxism, Hermeneutics, Postmodernism
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iupress.indiana.eduThe God Who May Be. A Hermeneutics of Religion. Richard Kearney
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quantonics.comAnother advanced Autiot Hermeneutic.
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iupress.indiana.eduThe Text as Thou. Martin Buber's Dialogical Hermeneutics and Narrative ...
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jasnakoteska.blogspot.comEuropean Research Project for Poetics and Hermeneutics Volumes No.
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internalexternal-2010....C is for CONTEXTS in which the WHOLE exists - Hermeneutic Circle
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the-hermeneutic-of-con...Later we went to the Grotto for the Rosary in the afternoon and baked under ...
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scribd.comThe potential of hermeneutics in information system research
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thirdfactory.netWhiteboards: Schleiermacher & Hermeneutic Circle
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cinemadiscourse.comThe problem is that, without an apparatus of semiotic capture — like one of ...
573 × 916 - 109 k - jpg

More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus

Welcome to Spring Semester 2013

Fernando IX University
Locations of visitors to this page
Fernando IX University
ISSN 2145-3985. [Con] Textos Revista de Humanidades Facultad de Derecho / Facultad de Educación
Facultad de Comunicación & Publicidad
Peruche Mejia Garcia
"The Hermeneutic of Signs. Studies in Semiotic and Hermeneutic"

The Best College Radio Stations

Fernando IX University

An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python

Joe Warren, Scott Rixner, John Greiner, Stephen Wong

This course is designed to be a fun introduction to the basics of programming in Python. Our main focus will be on building simple interactive games such as Pong, Blackjack and Asteroids.
Dear FIX,

We hope that everyone is enjoying the class so far!

We do not want to send out too many e-mails to the entire class and create more spam for you, so we are only going to send out e-mails when there is critical information.

In this e-mail, we want to draw your attention to a few important things:

1) Please check the announcements on the main course page regularly. This has been and will continue to be our primary method of communication with the class.

2) If you are having trouble and really need someone to look over your code, try out the
code clinic. The instructors will do their best to help as many people as possible.

3) Each week, we will have a student video
tutorial contest. See this week's entries here.

4) If you miss the hard deadline for the mini-projects for whatever reason (or even if you don't), we will have a forum thread each week where you can get community feedback. You can see week one's thread

Keep up the lively discussion in the forums and keep on programming!

-Scott Rixner and Joe Warren
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python Course Staff
Fernando IX University

recstay101.blogspot.comAgenda Cultural @ FIX University Campus Summer 2012
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newsrus.blogspot.comMore FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus
502 × 375 - 39 k - jpg

campuscultural.blogspo...... Preparan asociación de productores de Cortometrajes @ FIX University
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archivesfix.blogspot.comMore FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus
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pacificyoung.blogspot.comFix University. a place for independent study
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a01-fix.blogspot.comCiudad Abstracta @ FIX University Agenda Cultural Campus
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internationalgaming101...More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus
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fixrecstay.blogspot.comMore FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus
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christfix.blogspot.comEvery Day Is Journalism / Journalist Day @ FIX University
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paginadeanamariagomes....Welcome FIX University; Inglesagil Looks at Webby Awards
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archivesfix.blogspot.comLa Cubeta Pentaprismatica @ FIX University --------> 7 Corners
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speedskatings.blogspot...More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus
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campuscultural.blogspo...Agenda Cultural @ FIX University
400 × 266 - 30 k - jpeg

paginadeanamariagomes....Agenda Cultural @ FIX University Campus
400 × 267 - 97 k - jpg

campuscultural.blogspo...Agenda Cultural @ FIX University Campus
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campuscultural.blogspo...Agenda Cultural @ Cultural Campus: Agenda Cultural @ FIX University Campus
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pedagogica2010.blogspo...“El Túnel de la Ciencia” as seen by FIX @ FIX University
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recstay101.blogspot.comFIX University "a place for independent study": Agenda Cultural @ FIX ...
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scientificamerican.comIn STEM, universities are failing the majority of students, in part because ...
277 × 277 - 33 k - jpg @ FIX University "a place for independent study"
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